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We are so pleased to announce the following keynote speakers will be attending the 2024 SiREN Symposium!


Professor Carla Treloar 

Carla Treloar is Scientia Professor at the Centre for Social Research in Health and the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW, Sydney. Her work brings to light the gaps, failures and harms of health and social systems and poses solutions to better meet the needs of people who experience social marginalisation.

Dash Heath-Paynter

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Dash Heath-Paynter is the CEO of Health Equity Matters (formerly AFAO). Based in Sydney, Health Equity Matters leads Australia’s community-controlled response to HIV as the sector’s peak body and delivers programming to build the capacity of community led HIV organisations in Asia and the Pacific.


Dash’s professional background includes more than fifteen years’ experience working as a lawyer, and in public health policy providing advice on human rights and preventative health focusing on health technology and systems strengthening, cancer control, sexual health, HIV/AIDS and other blood borne viruses.

Dr Lorraine Anderson

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Dr Lorraine Anderson is the Medical Director at Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services where her primary role is in clinical governance for the ACCHO sector in the Kimberley region. Lorraine is proudly linked through her father to the Palawa people of Tasmania. She gained her primary degree in Medicine at The University of Auckland in New Zealand, followed by post graduate qualifications in Public Health, Child Health, Palliative Medicine and General Practice. She has also been involved in research, medical education and business development in health (private, public and NGO sectors). Lorraine is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice. She has been working in Aboriginal health and remote rural practice in the Pilbara, Indian Ocean Territories and now the Kimberley for the past 17 years.  Lorraine sits on several national, state and regional subcommittees within health - with a passion for bringing as much investigation, diagnosis and treatment to the patient in rural and remote areas.


Dr Richelle Douglas

Dr Richelle Douglas is currently the Medical Director of Derbarl Yerrigan Health Services Aboriginal Corporation in Perth and a practitioner member of the Medical Board of WA. She has worked in multiple settings across the world from Perth to Lima Peru, Ireland and the UK. She was previously the Medical Director of family planning WA, and is a GP. Richelle has a strong interest in the social determinants of health and how they must be addressed to improve health care outcomes.

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