Module 4:
how to lead a focus group
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Plan an effective focus group.
- Understand and apply focus group facilitation techniques and implementation processes.
- Identify and address ethical considerations of focus groups.
Be sure to check out the resources provided below the videos.
4.1 Planning a focus group
4.2 Facilitating a focus group
4.3 Ethical considerations for focus groups
Ethics and engagement. In Doing Focus Groups. Second ed. 2018. Barbour. SAGE Publications Ltd.
A Practical Guide to Focus-Group Research. 2007. Breen.
Guidelines for Conducting a Focus Group. 2023. The Community Tool Box.
Designing and Conducting Focus Group Interviews. 2002. Krueger.
Focus group methodology: some ethical challenges. 2019. Sim and Waterfield.
Guidelines for Conducting a Focus Group. 2005. Eliot et. al.
Toolkit for Conducting Focus Groups. ND. OMNI.