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Module 6:
analysing and reporting data

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 - Understand the steps in analysing qualitative data

 - Identify and apply strategies to increase the rigour of the qualitative research process

 - Be able to structure qualitative research report

 - Develop and implement a plan to disseminate research findings

Be sure to check out the resources provided below the videos.

6.1 Qualitative analysis

6.2 Report writing and dissemination


 Let us know what you thought of this online introduction to qualitative research methods. We will use your feedback to improve our future online training. To complete the survey click here


All we have to do, is do it all”: Exploring middle-career women's academic identities in Australian higher education using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. 2023. Phillips et al. 2023.

Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. 2007. Tong et al. International Journal for Quality in Health Care.

Development of a framework for knowledge translation: understanding user context. 2003. Jacobson et al. Health Services Research and Policy.

From Research to Practice: A knowledge transfer planning guide. 2006. Reardon et al. Institute for Work and Health.

How to use and assess qualitative research methods. 2020. Busetto et al. Neurological Research and Practice.

Knowledge Translation Planning Template. 2019. Barwick. ON: The Hospital for Sick Children.

Qualitative Research in Health Care: Assessing Quality in Qualitative Research. 2000. Mays and Pope. British Medical Journal.


Thematic analysis: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Doing. 2022. Braun and Clarke. SAGE Publishing.

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